The Secrist Family, Mitzumoto Japanese Stroll Garden

I was so excited for the chance to see one of my past couples again. Jacqui & Matt got married at Dogwood Canyon about 3.5 years ago. Then last July I got to see them for a maternity session as they prepared to welcome a new, precious addition to their family. And FINALLY this last weekend it was my turn to meet and love on Miss Ainsley. This little girl is just perfect. I am head over heels for her already. We strolled around the Japanese Garden and caught up capturing some sweet family moments. One of my favorites was Ainsley and the bubbles. She did NOT like them. In fact, I think she thought they were pretty horrible. But after a few different times of bringing them out, she decided they were pretty cool and gave us one of her giant beautiful smiles!

Jacqui & Matt, thank you for continuing to share your wonderful family with me! I am so thankful for you!!

Lots of Love,

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    Jessica Yahn is a professional
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    in Southwest Missouri.