Dustin + Jessica | Springfield MO Engagement Photography

I am so excited to introduce Dustin & Jessica to the JYP Wedding family! Jessica is a 22 year old Elementary Education major and Dustin is a 24 year old Automotive Technician!
Dustin & Jessica wanted to involve their love for cars into their engagement session in Springfield. The rain had it out for us but we still managed to make it work!

How did you meet?
Dustin swears up and down that we met on MySpace when in all reality he lived five houses down from me since I was about 11 years old. We went to Billings School together for about 9 years. We started dating when I was 15 and he was 17. Our first date was my very first Homecoming game my freshman year of high school.


Tell us about your proposal.
Oh man. I might get carried away and write you a book here. It all started with Dustin telling me that he had a surprise for me. Normally this would give me some type of clue. But he had been randomly surprising me lately so I had no idea. He told me if I wanted my surprise it required going out of state. I honestly thought we were going to pick up a car or something that required a long drive and a stay in a hotel. He was very secretive about it the whole way but eventually told me we were going to Texas. (I would have found out by the road signs.) Still at a loss as to what my surprise was we finally got to our hotel. He told me we had to wake up early the next morning so we went to bed pretty much as soon as we got there. The next morning we left our hotel and it was as dark as could be outside. This was a really good advantage for Dustin because I have horrible eyesight and had no clue where we were going. We FINALLY get to this place where hundreds of people were standing and waiting Dustin finally told me a little bit about what we were doing. It has been my lifelong dream to ride in a hot air balloon and he had taken me to a hot air balloon festival and we were going to ride in one! And boy was he a genius. I thought that the hot air balloon ride was the while surprise. I wasn’t even expecting anything. But when we got into the basket he pulled the ring out of his pocket. It was the most perfect day of my life.




IMG_9286What are your favorite things to do together?
We love to do anything outdoors together. Our main thing we do together is work on cars! However we love to go to car shows, race track, fishing, hunting. You name it. As long as we are together we are having fun!



What do you love most about one another?
I love that Jessica is always herself and has never been anything else just to impress other people. – Dustin

I don’t know if I could just pick one favorite thing about Dustin. However if I had to, it would probably be his selflessness. No matter what he is doing, if someone needs help, he will drop whatever he is doing to come to the rescue. His selflessness never ceases to amaze me. Dustin always makes me laugh too. No matter the situation he can put a smile on my face. -Jessica






Thank you both for letting me capture these moments for you! I cannot wait to celebrate with you on the big day!

Lots of Love,Screen Shot 2013-12-20 at 10.57.16 AM

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Jessica Yahn is a professional
wedding photographer located
in Southwest Missouri.